"Please don't be apathetic before it's too late. The Church of Scientology is the modern day Gestapo. They intimidate everyone who speaks out against their practices through lies, intimidation, thievery, stalking, property destruction, and murder. Shawn Lonsdale, an avid opponent of Scientology, was found dead this Saturday from an apparent suicide in his apartment following the release of his anti-scientology documentary on local cable television in Clearwater, Florida.
Germany has permanently banned the presence of Scientology in any from from its country. The German people know the warning signs of a potential totalitarian dictatorship. They lived it first hand in the early and mid twentieth century. Naturally, this cult must be stopped before it grows into such an entity, and don't think it won't. These people are persuasive, mind washed, willing to do anything to stop "supressive people" from attacking their religion. They want Scientology to spread across the globe.
Please do your part to help stop this Naziesque movement while it still can be stopped.
Thanks for listening,
Your friend [x]."
He was a man who the CoS defamed, harassed, ridiculed and socially destroyed. He was very much a victim of Fair Game, and this probably led to his suicide.
We all need to remember what we are fighting. We are fighting a totalitarian cult with its own military, government structure and an infinite supply of income. The only way we can win is by remembering Shawn Lawnsdale, remembering what they do and why the public needs to know about it.
Now is not the time for apathy.
Now is the time to carry the flag higher than it has ever been carried before.
Remember Shawn Lawnsdale.
Beware the ides of march.