Sunday, February 10, 2008

D-Day 2-10-08 Complete!

I'm making a note here: Huge success. Roughly 70 were present at peak, hundreds upon hundreds of fliers were distributed. Stay tuned for videos and footage. News coverage by CW39. Houston Chronicle and the Houston Press are sure to pick it up as well.

Beware beware the ides of march!



Bill said...
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Unknown said...

Good Job everyone lets get some links rolling to all our hard work!!!

Unknown said...

I wrote up my version of events (with some pictures) here:

(Hmmm, can't seem to post anon. But then since I'm linking myself anyway, I guess it doesn't matter)

Amanda said...

Mine are up. I hope they are of some good.

Once again: strange contradictory with the lack of anonymous comments.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

If it wouldnt be to much trouble I would like a copy of everyones photos, I wan to have a set for my self, and I will post everything to rapidshare and see to it that it gets around. My email is

This is what I took

Unknown said...

Raw video footage on KHOU:

If you get bored, skip to the two-thirds point to catch the interview with Red Scarf. For bonus amusement, watch over his right shoulder.

Burger King Guy is made of win.

Anonymous said...

If you have a digg account please digg my article so Houston can be on the front page!

necron99 said...

Please.. ALL Houston Participants.. post links, and uploads of your photos and videos if you have it, here...

Unknown said...


The CW39 News Report on ou little party can be found here:

necron99 said...

Please.. this is kind of detailed, but stick with me..
The middle of March is not as far away as it might seem, and this site is the perfect jumping point for Houstonians who what to be involved to gather the new intel, and information/propaganda created for the upcoming event.
First off requests. I know that if I truly want things the way I want them, that would mean getting another site, attracting the same participants to the same event, but with all the information spread out, nice and thin. So I'll just politely ask.
First, Preparation of materials should be taken care of before hand. Posters, and Flyers where mid-production during the event. This takes our numbers away from the game. If even for the moment, that's time that could be spent attracting the next oncoming car. Which brings me to..
The second request, even distribution of numbers. If you come alone, I see not why you shouldn't feel compelled to move to a group with less numbers, thus increasing the over all presence and not looking like a disorganized mob. Leading to..
My third point, more uniformity. The order Du'jour was masks. I didn't bring one.. but a few fellas were obliging enough to bring a few extra surgical masks, or lend a bandana or such, to those like me. But they were so diverse. I think that might have been a distraction from the symbolism.
Fourth, and thankfully nearly last, more shouting. Our footage from KHOU is appalling.. We don't look like protesters, simply put. Nothing memorable, to catch the public's attention, and mind was chanted, during the entirety of the operation,, just here's and there's..

What should have been wrapped up long time ago, now will be with this,, We can use this time, or abuse it.. injustice's like the ones we protested today happen every day. Take this time between now and the next get-together to come up with a simple chant, a catchy poster, or a single-idea flyers(listing the URL on the flyer, of a page with all the content is just as good[well i guess just as good to someone with internet])

and remember only you can bring a friend.
more later..

Unknown said...

I agree to your points. Especially the one about being so quiet. However I'm not sure how much can be done about that one without props. After all this being Houston there was ZERO foot traffic, and the vast majority of cars that passed had their windows up, the AC on, and probably the radio playing. It's very hard to maintain noise and patter when there is no one able to hear it.

The biggest things that would help with this factor next time would be:

1) Someone should bring a megaphone and there should be at least a couple of loquacious people around to keep up that patter going without having to shout themselves horse. It would also help to write up some speaches ahead of time to read out when creativity ebs. Transcripts of the Anonymous YouTube Vids would be a good base.

2) Music, and a way to play it just loud enough to be heard over the traffic. A good rick rolling can fill the silence, and I'm sure there's plenty of other good tunes that would be appropriate to the theme of the event. Music also serves to help keep energy high where silence can snuff it out.

We should probably do a little research on the legality of both of these items, of course.

Oh, and if anyone knows how to locate the landlord of that property, it wouldn't hurt to see if they might be friendly to our cause and - Starbucks and it's neighbors permitting - allow us to spill a little into that parking lot (but not enough to block parking). Or at the vey least allow us to park a car in the corner spot to serve as a music platform. Point out that if they allow such minor concessions and don't make us avoid the property altogether, they'll probably sell us a fair amount of coffee that day. I generally avoid Starbucks for various reasons, but if they were cool to us I for one would make a limited-time exception to that policy.

Of course, if the landlord is a member of CoS we're kind of boned. In that case maybe check with landlords on the other three corners to see if one is more open to such things. Especially the abandoned lot at Hollywood Video where we wouldn't be in anyone's way at all. That spot would make a good base if we could park support vehicles there and turn it into a bit of a party.

The key is to find ways to keep energy high. Even if we can't do any of these things at all, if someone put together a mp3 list that we could all bring along and listen to simultaneously that would be a minimum to keep things lively. The added benefit there would be throwing in a few mp3s custom recorded that start with "chant the following" and suddenly without visible cue everyone of us starts chanting things in unison. That could be amusing.

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...
Channel 39 coverage

Anonymous said...

photos I and a friend took

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

please visit for further details