"Hacking is a felony. Sending white powders to harass, spread fear and overwork the authorities is a felony! To undermine freedom of religion is unconstitutional. Taking orders from a foreign secret service to destroy US constitutional laws may be penalized by execution. (Death.)
Who is behind the international anonymous young criminals? Press release and YouTube videos of Anonymous reads and sounds like Nazi propaganda against Jews."
Your initial response to reading this may be that its just downright offensive, and you're right - but on more levels than one.There is of course, that most of us did not condone or take part in the hacking activity (not to mention the CoS has been aggressively hacking us for weeks, taking our sites offline intermittently...hypocrisy much?), and of course theres the fact that the police found no connection at all between us and the white powder (meaning it was mailed by several proxies and could not be traced...sounds like someone with a good bit of resources did it, eh? Not to mention the CoS has a history of mailing itself bomb threats to discredit critics.) But, aside from these trifles, there is a good bit more to these two paragraphs than meets the eye, delving into the psychology and manipulation behind your average Scientologist announcement.
Scientologists are trained to believe that all opposition to them is centralized. In this case, the CoS has calibrated the Ronbots to focus their attention on Germany. That's right - Germany is now the source of psychiatry and all Scientology opposition, so its natural that they'd tie us to Germany. I'm sure this revelation has absolutely nothing at all to do with the fact that Germany recently announced that they do not recognize Scientology as a religion, and are closely monitoring the transactions of CoS storefronts. There, they are a business, and seem to have no problem operating as such.
Take a look at this statement: "Press release and YouTube videos of Anonymous reads and sounds like Nazi propaganda against Jews." It's interesting that they'd say this. Intriguingly trying to claim our videos are "naziesque propoganda" and German manufactured lies. Scientologists think every opposition to them is centralized. What they don't get, and in fact are fundamentally incapable of understanding is, those are our voices - our words - it comes from no leading person or organization, merely from ourselves.
Scientology at this point truly faces something it is not prepared to oppose. We operate outside of their domain, outside of their control. We operate in numbers, in full force that they have never seen before. Already the largest anti-scientologist movement since Xenu himself deployed his DC8's has hit the streets, and they don't know how to respond to it.
They don't understand it.
They can't comprehend that on an individual level, an intellectual level, we oppose NOT their freedom to believe what they wish, but the organization that possesses them.
We oppose them with reason - with our minds, with our words.
We are doing the world a service. Already countless thousands have marched in dozens of cities thousands of miles apart, individuals all of them, taking their orders from no one, something the CoS just can't grasp. Now, with the media out, with countless local and international outlets reporting, our ranks can only grow.
And so, soldiers of tomorrow, Anonymous individuals in a digital age, an era of free, abundant information, of cyber politics, of lossless distribution and unthinkable potential - where the political arena takes place with zero expense entirely on a virtual plane, where anyones voice can be heard and silence is only where you seek to find it, we will march again. Larger. More prepared. More experienced. More anonymous.
Beware the ides of march.
Expect us.
You my dear Anon are an excellent writer, I want to thank you for all of you hard work and time. Will you be posting information in regard to The Party on March 15th?
Beware the Ides of March
Thanks and yes, most key updates will be handled on this blog :]
Wow... that's just a load of bullshit on scientology's part. They really are showing themselves up to be dumbasses recently.
About the history of sending themselves bomb threats etc. I think it would be useful to have some documentation compiled about this, as evidence which may come in handy at a later date if the public starts to doubt the credibility of Anonymous.
Can I get a link to their full response? I want to frame it and hang it in my house.
Does anyone here want to see a Houston "central" forum for its members here?.. I would...
March 15th? I'll be there with bells on!
WTF? Youtube is now freezing viewcounts against ALL protest videos so they don't show up on the front page.
I suggest we shout it from the rooftops to all news media. Links...
oh shi-
partyvan/// ddos
Ok. I've calmed down now. ;)
It seems that Youtube has issued a statement. But I'm still calling bullcrap on it....
"UPDATE: We know YouTube now officially states this is a server problem. But this seems extremely unlikely, check http://ipower.movielol.org for more info. "
Still. Scary thought 'they' can do that. Very.
OOps....wrong quote, here's the correct one from youtube...
"There was an issue with video view counts not increasing that has now been resolved. The correct number of views should be displayed in the next 24 hours. Thanks for your patience." - from http://youtubestatus.blogspot.com"
Comic Headlines.. wishing it'd come true
We've been warned that they might use such a blatant attempt to smear our campaign
Help expose this as not affiliated with Anonymous.
Maybe we should get a houston irc going?
best idea would be to start either a forum, an IRC channel within partyvan maybe, or both, for houstonians who want to plan for next month.. best bet is to get on partyvan irc.. let them know why your there and get ideas flowing.. we are offically all united.
Why not use the enturbulation forum for Houston?
You MUST watch this. Houston is in the hizouse. Spread the link.
Awesome Feb 10 Vid
truly awe-inspiring.. it could have ended there.. but it won't.. powerful stuff.
Outstanding Video - What are the plans for the Ides?
You guys are too serious. Right now the ED article says "no memes."
Myself and other anons who missed first protest will be rolling out to the Ides of March but you can kiss our collective motherfucking asses if you think the memes won't be in effekt.
Do it for great justice. Do it for the lulz.
Do what you will but I will point out that one kid showed up and thought it would be funny to have a sign that said "Dicks Everywhere" it was better to watch him removed by the constable, As long as this is peaceful and decent you will be fine, say and or do anything to make us look bad and you will be removed.
The constable got involved? I didn't see that but I do remember seeing that sign while he was walking to the protest. I ran as fast as I could across the street to chew him out and suggest that he either destroy or alter the sign.
You know what?
Yeah, "dicks everywhere" is a little extreme, but so what?
Anons raid sci for the lulz, and then somehow it gets co-opted by a bunch of furries and LARPers from Spring who "don't condone" the initial DDoS and threaten that anyone who "make us look bad ... will be removed."
True oldfags are discussing whether to even participate or else just write it all off completely. Your FAIL may be beyond redemption
You all FAIL
True oldfags know that invasions and raids are the cancer that is killing /b/
We should make Wise Beard Man masks for 3-15.
"Anons raid sci for the lulz, and then somehow it gets co-opted by a bunch of furries and LARPers from Spring who "don't condone" the initial DDoS and threaten that anyone who "make us look bad ... will be removed."
Maybe you could use a little more script kiddie slang? You are a FAIL moron. I look forward to removing you myself. You know, just for the lulz.
Alright, let me just get this out there.. I attended the 10th.. non-anon and gf.. donned graciously donated masks the two and gave our hearts and minds, that day to a just cause. There were lulz, during the time, because we were all there as... what? ONE. no one asked who was who.. no one cared..
there was a project set before us all.. MASSIVE WIN. 5 hours. 75 protesters. 800+ flyers were handed out.. our participation is set in stone. so is yours. so do you continue.. or do you go back to your chans and /b/s and basements like they all think.. or will you rise to meet the next operation?
I have so many ideas.. and its only been 5DAYS!! ive never felt so inspired.. and who thought it would be anonymous.. over all.. ONE
anyway you all have ideas.. and so do i .. I can't wait for the day to use them.. the Ides.
I remeber the Anon that posted befor me, both of them were great, and as far as the trolls bawwwing in this thread leave them alone, refuse to feed the trolls, He cant follow simple rules like 1 and 2, I have been lurking for 4 years, I am on a first name basis with Moot, p4ch3c0, Kirtaner, and even Captain Cornflakes, we all agree that these raids will be the chemo, keep up the good work everyone, while we all know the brothas are a force of destruction, it is common sense that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Wise Bear Man masks = WIN
LOL looks like the resistance has already begun
butthurt posters above need to relax already
While I do think that we need to avoid confrontation with the police, so signs like "Dicks Everywhere" are right out, the LULZ are indeed important.
A major portion of our premise is how rediculous Scientology is. The best way to fight absurdity is with absurdity. If you give them a serious protest then the message is that they are a serious organization that should be taken seriously. This is not the case.
They are clowns, and should be protested by clowns. Well, not literaly, because clowns freak me right the fuck out, but you know what I mean.
The key is balance. Make sure that for every Longcat sign, there's also a sign that the average viewing public can comprehend. One to explain to the masses, and one to rally the troops with LULZ. Keep it fun, keep it entertaining, and this monthly campaign can go on for a long time. Crack down on the LULZ, and the numbers will dry up fast.
Thinking further after posting that, it seems to me that LULZ will be the key to our long-term victory.
What's our end goal here? It's to rally the public against CoS, right? There are three ways to rally the public: fear, anger, and humor. Fear is right out, the CoS isn't big enough to inspire fear in the general public, and most folks have been burned out on the OMG MUST FEAR mentality for awhile now. And anger is possible, but not likely in this case; if that were the key to victory the old school CoS protestors would have won long ago, as that's been their keystone.
No, I think what will win this is humor. Show the public just how silly Scientology is. Make them realize this is just another absurd cult. This will destroy them, as it feeds directly to their primary insecurities; that's the very image they've been fighting all along. Make them the laughingstock of the world and they will lose their status as a religion, they will lose their ability to recruit, and they will lose that last modicum of respect that the media has been providing to them.
LULZ is more than just fun. LULZ is our path to victory.
I don't agree, though you can do whatever you want.
What happens if you hit water going 1000mph? The atoms lock together and it's solid as a rock.
Likewise, if we act offensive, jokingly and dismissively attacking their beliefs for lulz - we will completely be losing one audience that our protests are meant to reach - the poor and misguided individuals that the CoS hides information from.
We need to get information out and not confirm the CoS's accusations that we are haters of their religion. Doing epic lulz attacking their beliefs will only harm us, and make our message less likely to reach followers of Scientology.
Likewise, if we act offensive, jokingly and dismissively attacking their beliefs for lulz - we will completely be losing one audience that our protests are meant to reach - the poor and misguided individuals that the CoS hides information from.
failcat IS FAIL
you sir ARE FAIL
For every scifag we may "save" there are hundreds upon hundreds of non-scio citizens who will be watching us, whether through the news or our signs and fliers.
Every time we pussyfoot around their "beliefs," every time we acknowledge them as a "religion" or promote the freezoners or otherwise, we give them legitimacy.
Please try to explain to me, how the fuck anon will succeed in revoking their religious tax-exemption IF YOU KEEP REFERRING TO THEM AS A RELIGION.
Red turban fag was epic fail when he said "not the faith, the religion of scientology," to the news reporter. FOOL. IDIOT. Scientology IS NOT A RELIGION and if we accept their terminology then we have already lost the game.
Same thing with the enturbulation forums. How the fuck can you fight against something when you have already adopted its made-up words?
Finally, "The poor and misguided individuals that the CoS hides information from" are already fail, they have become scifags. The only and repeat ONLY purpose for "saving" any of them is the LULZ that come from the Co$ losing its membership base.
I didnt see you stepping up for leadership when the police arrived
the police didnt need to talk to a leader, an organizer, or anything other than the go-between.. pretty much a representative for them, that could communicate what they needed from us.
And I guess it's wise to consult the old adage.
If your going to fight fire with fire.. somebody's gonna get burned.
I guess thats what a great many of you out there are planning for..
--No More LRHisms--
--Don't Hate, Enturbulate--
--Live Free, Die Scientology--
Off topic for one second. I'm really starting to get fed up with some of the posts.
Ok, I'm over 40+, but why do I feel the need for some sort of dictionary with all these made up words?? I don't have a clue what the fuck you are talking about! And it's really pissing me off. What the hell happened to the English language. If I support Anonymous and I can't even understand what you are trying to say, how can we expect Johnny Public to understand.
Words I have never heard of until a few weeks ago (because of Anonymous) ....
"Raids will be the chemo"??
"Anons raid sci for the lulz, and then somehow it gets co-opted by a bunch of furries and LARPers from Spring who "don't condone" the initial DDoS and threaten that anyone who "make us look bad ... will be removed."?????
"failcat IS FAIL"
Seriously, if you think you have enough people protesting in Houston, fine, I'll keep my ass home. I want to help, I have the means to help make up fliers, posters, picket, etc... But I need to understand what the hell is going on. Not everyone who is against CoS, and interesting in picketing the 15th, is less than 20. Damn it. You people pull this shit out of your asses, or what?
There. Much better.
And one more thing.
I completely disagree with your opinion of Red Turban Man. I think he did an excellent, PROFESSIONAL job in speaking to the cameras.
Well done!
send it out... "Religion"..and "scientology" shall no longer be uttered in the same sentence.
You're right, longtime EBAUMS members a whole set of lingo and in-jokes that has developed from their own culture.
No one is going to change the way they speak because you don't understand it, but that doesn't prevent you from protesting with us. Anonymous and the LULZ Contingent welcome your presence.
Anon is a bunch of individual cells with no primary organizational structure. You and your friends are your own cell, with full sovereignty and integrity, so there's no need for you to learn any of the in-jokes or slang that other kids might be using.
All are welcome.
As an aside, you should know that LULZ is a corruption of LOL, which stands for LAUGH OUT LOUD.
Thank you, but I'm still pouting about the lingo I don't understand.
Onto another topic. And yes, I am pure evil. The Dancing with the Stars has announced their list of new dancers. Priscilla Presley stands out. What are the odds that her being a clam will cause worldwide-Anonymous-friendly fans to vote on the ABC website to give her a quick axe? heeeheee.
"All clams must go, Anonymous says so."
LOL Oops, my bad... lulz? Ah, nevermind. I give up.
uhh what you're missing (because you're old and you don't surf all the forums) is that red turban anon attempted to take complete control of the next protest.
the article on encyclopediadramatica.com actually had a bunch of non-standard new rules and said that kids who didn't comply would have their masks removed.
that's not the true spirit of anon.
red turban anon is an asset to our team as long as he realizes that he is only one member of a vast force and not in control of it. like the new lulz contingent video says, there is no leaders, just anons. (link)
Great. I don't think there's anything wrong with someone trying to step up to the plate and organize things in hopes of a better turnout. Up until 'red turban anon" stepped up during the interview, what was shown was complete chaos. Compared to other vids from around the world, Houston was an embarrassment. It looked totally disorganized. At least he got his point across as to why the CoS was being picketed.
There has to be some sort of plan. You can't keep trying to just wing it and expect to the public to take anonymous seriously.
Maybe it's just cause "I'm OLD". You're right. I'll spend my time somewhere where I am actually appreciated. You kids have a great time, see how far you get dealing with old folks (you know, the ones that make the laws, etc), because you know, we just look at you kids, and roll our eyes. We know it's just a matter of time until you get bored, like some hot video game, and then just move along to some other shiny thing that catches your eye. whatever.
For the record, although as stated I think that LULZ are essential to long-term success and will be doing my part in that arena, I also think Red Turban was an excellent ad hoc leader and support his involvement.
Red Turban is Beard.
beware the ides of march
Red turban fag is a good person to have talk to the police, but his skills end there.
Red turban fag FAILed epic with news interviewers by calling Scientology a "faith" and a "religion." It is neither. Those who disagree can go back to Enturbulation.
The drive to soften and declaw our protest actions must not be allowed to dilute the message. Scientology is a cult and a corrupt business organization, nothing more.
Time is getting closer I need instruction my brothas, tell me what to bring I have heard talk of cake? is it a lie? Do I need to shoop many posters for my compatriots? Tell me what is needed I have the time and the money to do what is needed. I will b there will you?
shooooooooop da woop many fliers! many of THESE fliers:
also, there has been talk of much cake, but i dont know how practical it is...just bring water unless theres popular demand for otherwise.
Any more request? Suggests? Commands or demands my brothas?
Music is a must. Someone's gotta bring some tunes to keep the party alive.
And we gotta have at least one rickroll, don't we?
I have an idea, could we possible get a recording of someone, prefer female with nice voice, reading the beliefs of the church, space aliens, H bombs, all that retarded shit? We can show people just how dumb this shit is
SOMEONE needs to bring a boombox/megaphone combo for IRL rickroll.
New tactics video: WORDS ARE WEAPONS. Get it fresh at youtube.com/watch?v=XA0515S8WX4
please visit for further details
Power Comes From Knowledge of The Enemy
Ronbot is a pejorative term for some or all fanatical followers of Scientology. The term is a pun on Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's first name and the word robot.
The term Ronbot is meant to express the habit of Scientologists of being so programmed with the "Tech" that they can't express their own viewpoints on life, because that has been suppressed and prohibited of them from doing so.
The fanatical Ronbot never doubts any thing he is told by staff, never investigates, never thinks beyond what he is told, never seeks to know more than he is permitted to know, never refuses to turn on his family, never reads what he is told not to read, never refuses to hurt the feelings of his family, never refuses to kill the love he had for his family, never refuses to go to your neighbors to spread lies about you, never doubts PTS or SP data, never seeks other ways to heal any symptom, never wonders why he is so fanatical and why? Never wonders why he hates SPs, never refuses to hurt, damage or harm an SP, never doubts he is superior to us, never refuses to obey his masters on staff, etc.
The fanatical Ronbots that guard the military bases and navy of Scientology are ordered to kill or shoot at any SP or ordinary intruder that comes near or invades their ships or bases, even if it is their own parents who go there to get them out. He is so robotic that the killing of his own parent will not produce the same mental effect that it would produce in us – if we killed our own father or mother, whose only crime was the hurt of disconnection ordered by the Anti-God cult.
Ex-scientologists view a fanatical anti-god Ronbot as a brainwashed Robot, since he can't ever leave the Tech and express his own view points.
His reading material, his TV viewing and his interpersonal relationships and what he says and the way he talks, are closely monitored by other Ronbot Staff. If they discover that he went out with or talked with an SP and read material from Anti-cult websites, he is in deep trouble and must now face an ethics review.
He in fact does not have his own viewpoints, but just thinks so. His mind is so flooded with the Tech that to speak to, associate with, date or love a person who is classed as an SP is instant insanity (drastic down-tone slide) and he will be classed by the Anti-God Cult as a “risk” or PTS.
Remember this fact—that all true fanatical Ronbots have a weak mind and spirit, no matter their IQ or years of word clearing. They are actually very willing to be a slave of the Tech without question.
In the CULT OF SCIENTOLOGY YOU HAVE NO CONSTITUTION RIGHTS SUCH AS FREE SPEECH – you are told what to think, do and say. Your actions, your friends your relations, your books, and everything else you can think about is RESTRICTED to their approval.
YOU ARE NOT A FREE MAN OR WOMAN,ABLE to do as you please at home, read what you please at home, your home TV set has a little censorship lock on it placed there by the cult to keep you inline.
Even your thoughts and innermost secrets are investigated and if they are considered wrong or un-approved by your ETHICS OFFICER you are taken (scammed) for more money.
The fanatical Ronbot was told that "suppression is illness and illness is suppression", therefore he thinks that all illnesses come only from suppression or a PTS condition.
Remember that Ronbots are told that “all illnesses to a greater or lesser degree are due to only a PTS condition”. Any illness or symptom makes a fanatical Ronbot turn on anyone he was near in the past 72 hours. He is programmed to believe that his Mother or Father now is a Monster called a“SP” or “Suppressive Person.
He is never given the facts on “symptom re-stimulations”. He is never told about it being a physiological reaction, he is never told that all symptoms and illnesses are physiological reactions and that some symptoms can be re-stimulated by stress and arguments. And those symptoms are never the same for all; because every one has different deficiencies and different levels of toxins in their body that will always bring out a different symptom each time he is argued with.
Remember this one fact that Scientology rejects—“symptoms are not illnesses!” But Ronbots are never taught the true causes of real illnesses, and are trained to despise their parents when they get a symptom of a real illness. Symptoms can be re-stimulated by many real causes of illnesses even by stress—which in the cult is accepted by the brain-washed ronbots as “suppression”.
Scientology NEVER teaches Ronbots that symptoms are really physiological reactions of all life on Earth.
A physiological reaction is an effect of some cause. The real causes of all illnesses produce the symptom.
They use this brain-washing about symptoms, in order to control them and make them hate whoever opposes the cult.
In his weak fanatical brain-washed mind, he can't ever accept that legal and illegal drugs, chemicals, parasites, toxins, toxic plants, mutated foods, Nuked (irradiated) Foods, or poisonous animals or insects, poisons, viruses or bacteria or over acidity etc., are the only and true causes of illnesses in the world. His mind rejects these well known facts as SP propaganda.
When he faces you in the street—he can’t see you, he can only see what is programmed into his brain-washed head. To him, you are the SP monster who is no better than his SP father or SP mother he turned his back on and now hates and/or distrusts.
He is not free to think for himself--therefore he is a ronbot.
It is senseless to argue or fight with a Ronbot—he needs de-programming—he needs to be told he is a Robot and that he can’t pull the plug and reset his brain. Do not confront, argue or fight a Ronbot the old way – just pity him and dare him to talk with you about how Physiological Reactions are connected to study tech.
Dare him to have a friendly conversation with you—the more of a Ronbot he is – the more he will be afraid to go to ethics for daring to talk with an SP.
The fact that is easily proved is that he is really SCARED to have a friendly conversation with you – to him you are a suppressive person – to him you are a MONSTER – the kind of monster his cowardly mind could not face in his nightmares.
The Anti-God cult will threaten any person with total exposure of all their confessed sins and secrets, if you dare leave, EXPOSE or confront them. That is the weapon that controls ALL CELEBRITIES, PROFESSIONALS AND COWARDS. The weak have given up their soul and now find that their confessions of their own sins and deep dark secrets -- will be made public knowledge.
In every confrontation with Ronbots, the programming that he has received will force him to ask for your crimes and sins and secrets. He sincerely believes that you are against the Cult, ONLY because you have committed horrible crimes, called by them: sins of omission and commission.
He expects you to be up-set, so just explain to him that he has sins and secrets too and that you would like to know his first, since he brought up the issue first. But don’t ask to hear them as a threat or condition to talk with him—if he refuses to give you his own sins and secrets—let it pass as long as he is willing to talk with you. Just get him to talk!!! Admit you have some sins, but dare to talk about his!!!
Warning!!! The Ronbot is trained to illegally set-you up as per SP policy and fair game rules and be able to call for the police to get you arrested. If he attacks you or looks like he will, turn your back and let him attack you when your back is turned. Put your hands in your pockets and never let them out. If you are going up against them, have the incident filmed and documented. He will viciously insult you and scream at you and even bump and push you with his stomach or chest to make you lose control and get arrested. When he bumps you – just fall down and call for the police, because he has just assaulted you and caused you to fall and hurt yourself. Fact is – that if your stomach pushed a cop, you would be arrested, right? Well, commercially – it is an assault!!! Do not argue with or insult a Ronbot, talk with him in a polite way even if he disgusts you. Arguments are commercial Controversies and make you lose the game. Get him to identify who he is and find out if he has property (House) or a website. He if is connected to any website that libels your actual name on it—he just made you rich. If he assaults you and you can prove it –he also made you very rich. Read the Uniform Commercial Code, commercial laws or common law remedies, Commercial Affidavit of Truth Method, notary acceptor and look up sovereignty UCC or anti-corruption websites to learn how to counter-attack them and take them for all they are worth.
After you study the UCC, hire a Private Investigator to find out who owns or runs the website. Write them thru a Notary third party witness and accept all their attacks on your name for value. That is the way to become a true RONBOTHUNTER. Thru the “Commercial Affidavit of Truth Method” -- You can bring your common-law commercial suits against any Ronbot and the Cult itself, who is used by the Cult to harm you. Under the Constitution –You are the Law. You don’t need attorneys or judges or courts to file a UCC lien on them -- once you PERFECT your UCC lien.
Know this for a fact. -- His brain is not his anymore. He can’t be proactive and dare to talk with a person who he was told is a MONSTER. But if he dares to talk and you only ask questions and never argue with him. He will begin to doubt and you know what happens to him after he is in the Condition of Doubt.
He is as evolved as a snail-or he was one in another life. In this life, he consented to be a mind-slave. Just dare him to read and dare him to talk with any anti-cult person on a friendly basis for at least one hour—dare him to get to know you--by then after that hour he is now a damaged ronbot to the cult—he won’t be trusted and now he is on his way to freedom from control.
For you to defeat the Anti-God “Church” of Scientology you must expose these truths about how Ron discovered Study Technology.
Once you put this NEW DATA into his brain, he is now damaged goods and is no longer a Ronbot, but a suspected PTS person never to be trusted again by the Cult.
To save a RONBOT BRAIN you must deprogram it with NEW DATA.
Sincerely yours,
All Rights Reserved
Copyright Ronbothunter--- All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice UCC 1-308 & 1-103.6 including rights under the UCC and common law remedies. I reserve my right not to be compelled to perform under any contract or commercial agreement that I did not personally sign and enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally and especially if I was not given full disclosure. I do not accept the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement.
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